Chapter 1 | Why Does Theology Matter?
Key verse: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
For Further Study:
*Disclaimer: Our ultimate authority and resource will always be the Bible, and any other resource should be used as a supplement. While we believe the authors represented here have done excellent work to provide insight and clarity in these topics, we may not endorse every statement, or position they hold (past, present, future).
Flash Theology, by Jenny Randle and Brayden Brookshier
Systematic Theology, by Wayne Grudem (seminary-level theology book)
Kids’ content
Tiny Theologians (preschool–early elementary)
Theology is words about God. You are a theologian. Be a good one.
Theology is a means of organizing the ideas given to us in God’s Word. Theology does not add to those ideas; it simply gives us a way to understand them comprehensively from Genesis to Revelation.
Christians do not merely learn theology; they “do theology.” This phrase communicates the holistic impact of theology on our lives: we think differently, feel differently, and act differently as a result of developing better categories for understanding God.
Theological concepts can and should be accessible to everyone: kids, parents, young professionals, people with PhDs or GEDs.
If theology is understanding who God is and orienting our lives to that, is there anything more important for us? There is nothing more practical than a life well lived, and theology is a means to that end.
Doing theology is the work of mind renewal for the purpose of heart transformation.
Theology does not worship the life of the mind, but rather acknowledges that “the heart cannot love what the mind does not know.”
Thinking deeply about God should always result in feeling deeply about God. Theology that does not lead to worship is not theology at all, but a vain pursuit of knowledge.
What is theology? Words about God
Who does theology? Everybody
What does theology do? It organizes biblical truths.
Why does theology matter? Because living well matters
Simply put, theology is a part of a life well lived. Theology helps us live all of life well.
How do we do theology? Theology is done biblically, prayerfully, worshipfully, humbly, and together in community.