Give at Ekklesia
Thank you so much for giving to Ekklesia and helping us fulfill the mission that God has called us to. Through your faithful generosity, God is using your resources to not only reach our local community with the Gospel but also those around the world through outreach.
We seek to be people who give generously of what God has given to us.
If you are new to giving or have questions about what the Bible says about giving, feel free to contact one of our pastors by calling 541-912-9411. We would also encourage you to watch this message to learn why we are a church that seeks to give.
You may give online through Pushpay, which is a user-friendly app that allows you to keep track of your giving. Text ‘ekklesiaeugene’ to (833) 245-8464 and follow the prompts to set up mobile giving, or click the button below.
Manage Your Account
With Pushpay, you can log in to view your giving history, make changes to your account, edit recurring payments, and update card information.
Update Contact
If your contact information has changed within the last year, please update it through the link below.
Give by Mail
If you would like to mail your gift, please send it to:
Ekklesia Eugene
2866 Crescent Ave 103
Eugene, OR 97408
Stock Donations
We are also able to accept donations of stock. Stock, mutual fund and commodity gifts can be donated through Wells Fargo Account #3524-4186. DTC:0141. FEIN 26-1790098.
If you have questions about making stock donations, please contact our business admin at give@ekklesiaeugene.org, or contact the Ekklesia office.
Contact Us
Have questions about your giving? Contact us at give@ekklesiaeugene.org.