We all want to know that we are doing things right. When it comes to money, there are lots of opinions on just what the “right way” is. Financial Peace University is based on the Bible, and you can be confident in this: God’s way works. More than 4.5 million people have applied this wisdom to their finances and changed their stories.
Our Financial Peace group will meet weekly to help you take control of your finances. Each session has two distinct elements:
A Video Seminar
The video seminar will cover the 9 lessons that teach you how to manage money, using Dave Ramsey’s 7 baby steps.
The workbook follows along with each video lesson, highlighting valuable information and providing space for you to record key takeaways.
7 Baby Steps
Save $1000 for your starter emergency fund
Pay off all debt (except the house) using the debt snowball
Save 3-6 months of expenses in a full-funded emergency fund
Invest 15% of your household income in retirement
Save for your children’s college fund
Pay off your home early
Build wealth and give
Testimonial - The Stone's
Meeting Information
The next Financial Peace session will be meeting Friday evenings at 6:30P starting January 24, 2025 through March 21, 2025, at the Ekklesia Office, located at 2866 Crescent Ave, Suite 103, Eugene. You can learn more and sign up through Financial Peace’s website here. Please email info@ekklesiaeugene.org if you have any questions.