We invite you to join us on Sunday, February 27 for our latest Learn Seminar! This seminar will be centered around family discipleship. Parents and people of all ages are encouraged to join!
Cost: Free to participants / Childcare will be available for $5.00 per child.
Seminar Description: When it comes to parenting, sometimes you get to enjoy it and sometimes you have to endure it. Raising kids is an endlessly challenging adventure, and it comes with a never-ending list of responsibilities. One of the greatest of those responsibilities is the call to all parents to be disciple-makers in their own homes. A disciple-maker is a follower of Jesus helping another follower of Jesus. No matter what your household looks like, your family is the primary instrument and environment for discipleship in all the fantastic and flawed ways. In this seminar we want to help equip you to be a disciple maker of your kids.